GOP House Speaker John Boehner predicts that President Obama will be playing with fire.. and get burned … if he insists on using his Executive Power to create an Amnesty Bill for 8 million illegals.

Yet, despite Boehner’s warning… despite what the voters said Tuesday in the election… the White House says: Yes, President Obama plans to use his power … if Republicans don’t give him what he wants.

This defiant attitude … is exactly what stirred the anger and discontent among voters, and that includes Democrats.

The President’s party is in a shambles … and he shows no sign of being willing to forge some type of approach that cover Democrats.

Right now, it all appears to be… well, I’m reminded of the Bett Midler line in “Beaches”:

Enough of talking about me .. let’s talk about you.   What do you think of me?

Tonight on Larry Conners USA, we will examine what happens to Democrats and Republicans following the Tuesday elections … and … what kind of President will Obama be … in the final two years of his Presidency?

Will he continue acting like a king?   Will he realize, he has an opportunity to be a Statesman … instead of a self-absorbing politician?

Will he work at all on issues facing our country?   Or will he work more on his golf game?

Remember, you can hear my program on KTRS (550) … from anywhere in the world on the internet with live streaming audio at … or by using the free KTRS phone app.