Starting at 9PM tonight on Larry Conners USA … we will preview what President Obama plans to tell the nation Wednesday regarding his new strategy for dealing with ISIS.  The key is: Will you like this approach or do you see it falling short?

President Obama is under new attack for his latest decision regarding immigration, and the White House will not like who is complaining.

News & Commentary at 10 … and I’m blasting the NFL, the Ravens and others … for the latest reactions following video of Ray Rice knocking his fiance unconscious.

Those are some of our Hot Topics tonight, and at 11PM, Chuck Gillentine (CEO – Chandler Hill Vineyard) will join me to discuss the history of Missouri wine country from its beginning to saving French vineyards to Prohibition to the future of Missouri vineyards.

Remember, you can listen to KTRS (550) … or you can listen from anywhere in the world via the internet on … and KTRS has a free phone app.

Last Friday’s (September 5, 2014) programs are below: