Starting at 9pm, Larry Conners USA will focus on the Saturday police shooting in Ferguson. At the time of this posting, there are more rumors and fictional stories than facts. Here is what we do know: Saturday, a Ferguson police officer shot and killed 18 year old Michael Brown. Exactly, what lead to the shooting is not clear other than the officer stopped Brown and a friend in the middle of a street. The next fact we know is that some Ferguson residents and some outsiders took Brown’s death … as an “opportunity” … to loot and burn. Tonight, we might have more facts, and I will state my opinion on the tragedy and what followed. You can listen and call in your comments: 314-969-KTRS (5877) or 1-888-550–KTRS (5877) … or send us a Text to: 84126. You can also post any comments in advance and/or after the program on LarryConnersUSA Facebook or and via Twitter: @LarryConnersUSA. If you have relatives and friends outside the KTRS (550) listening area, let them know they can listen live via streaming audio on the internet at … or on the free KTRS phone app.
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