The alarms are sounding, and they are getting louder.
Is anyone listening? Are the right people listening?
Today, the Director of the CDC said he fears that Ebola could spread with such speed .. that it could become a global pandemic … like nothing the world has seen … since HIV/AIDS surfaced.
On Larry Conners USA, we will question … is the U.S. doing everything it should be doing… and doing somethings, it shouldn’t do?
Also, I’ll examine the latest shooting where a local police officer shot and killed an 18 year old suspect.
I’ll tell you right now.. many of the stories that hit the social media last night and continue… are not just wrong… they are lies. In fact, they are attempts to create more violence.
Make sure you are listening, starting at 9pm … on KTRS (550) … or from anywhere in the world on the internet at or by using the free KTRS phone app.
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