The St. Louis County grand jury rules: No Charges.
Lines will be open on Larry Conners USA from the start of tonight’s program and all 3 hours will deal with this story.
The grand jury verdict means that Ferguson Police Officer Darrin Wilson will not be bound over for trial in the death of Michael Brown.
Now, we wait to see how the community responds.
Michael Brown supporters have a Constitutional right to protest peacefully, and I hope that the pleas from Brown’s family and pastoral leaders are heard and heeded.
The first hour will include an interview with St. Louis criminal defense attorney Scott Rosenblum on the grand jury process.
There is still a federal investigation into Michael Brown’s death.
It all starts at 9pm on KTRS (550). You can tell family and friends beyond our borders that they can listen from anywhere for live streaming audio on the internet at or by using the free KTRS phone app.
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