How is that no one … no one … in the White House failed to recognize the importance of a rally in Paris yesterday?
Was everyone .. including President Obama … to busy watching football games … or just … out to lunch?
Sunday, 40 leaders from around the world were at the front of an historic march through the streets of Paris; more than 1 million were marching behind them.
The British Prime Minister, German Chancellor, Israeli Prime Minister, Palestinian Authority President, Russian Foreign Minister, Turkish Prime Minister, Jordan’s King and Queen — all attended this march against Islamic Terrorists and the blood bath they created last week in Paris.
Where was President Obama, Vice President Biden, Attorney General Holder?
White House planning documents show that Obama and Biden had nothing on their calendar. Secretary of State Kerry was on a previously scheduled meeting in India.
Holder was actually in Paris .. but did not attend.
Today, the White House admits … maybe we made a mistake by not sending a high ranking representative.
What were the “excuses”?
This is my lead topic tonight on LARRY CONNERS USA.
The 9PM Hour also includes Dr. Gerard Lameiro and the collapse of Main Stream Media; the hour also includes an interview with Dr. Davidson of the Central Institute for the Deaf.
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